ULAPI  8.0
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
ULFactory Class Referenceabstract

ULFactory is the abstract parent for the classes that provide instantiation and initialization services for ULAPI objects. For example, the Mac desktop version of Ultralingua would instantiate ULUltralinguaMacFactory and use it to instantiate locks, data sources, workers, etc. More...

#include <ulfactory.h>

Public Member Functions

 ULFactory ()
virtual ~ULFactory ()
virtual void clear ()
void setFactoryID (const ULString &id)
const ULStringgetFactoryID ()
virtual void freeInessentialMemory ()
virtual ULError addLanguageDataSource (const ULString &fileIdentifier, bool loadImmediately=false, ULLanguageDataSource **dataSource=NULL)=0
virtual ULError addDictionaryDataSource (const ULString &fileIdentifier, bool loadImmediately=false, ULDictionaryDataSource **dataSource=NULL)=0
virtual ULLockcreateLock ()=0
virtual ULError getAvailableLanguages (ULList< ULLanguage > &languageList)
virtual ULError getAvailableLanguages (ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &ldsList)
virtual ULError getAvailableDictionaries (ULList< ULDictionaryDescriptor > &dictionaryList)
virtual ULError getAvailableDictionaries (ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
virtual ULError getAvailableServices (ULList< ULServiceDescriptor > &serviceList)=0
virtual ULError getLanguageDataSources (const ULLanguage &language, ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &ldsList)
virtual ULError getDictionaryDataSources (const ULLanguage &lang1, const ULLanguage &lang2, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
virtual ULError getDictionaryDataSources (const ULLanguage &lang, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
virtual ULError getDictionaryDataSources (const ULDictionaryDescriptor &descriptor, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
virtual ULCollator * getCollator (const ULLanguage &language)=0
virtual ULStemmergetStemmer (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULStemmergetStemmer (const ULLanguage &stemmingLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULPartOfSpeechTaggergetPartOfSpeechTagger (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULPartOfSpeechTaggergetPartOfSpeechTagger (const ULLanguage &taggingLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULPluralizergetPluralizer (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULPluralizergetPluralizer (const ULLanguage &pluralizerLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULSingularizergetSingularizer (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULSingularizergetSingularizer (const ULLanguage &singularizerLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULConjugatorgetConjugator (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULConjugatorgetConjugator (const ULLanguage &conjugationLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULDefinergetDefiner (ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource, ULLanguageDataSource *firstLanguageDataSource, ULLanguageDataSource *secondLanguageDataSource)=0
virtual ULDefinergetDefiner (const ULLanguage &language1, const ULLanguage &language2)=0
virtual ULInflectorgetInflector (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULInflectorgetInflector (const ULLanguage &inflectionLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULDissectorgetDissector (ULLanguageDataSource *languageDataSource, ULDictionaryDataSource *dictionaryDataSource)=0
virtual ULDissectorgetDissector (const ULLanguage &dissectionLanguage, const ULLanguage &translationLanguage)=0
virtual ULNumberTranslatorgetNumberTranslator (const ULLanguage &language)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ULLockable
 ULLockable ()
 ULLockable (const ULLockable &lockable)
virtual ~ULLockable ()
const ULLockableoperator= (const ULLockable &lockable)
void clear ()
ULLockgetLock ()
void setLock (ULLock *newLock)

Static Public Member Functions

static ULFactorycreateFactory (const ULString &id)

Protected Member Functions

ULWorkerfindWorker (ULServiceDescriptor descriptor)
ULError findLanguageDataSources (const ULLanguage &language, ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &ldsList)
ULError findDictionaryDataSources (const ULDictionaryDescriptor &descriptor, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
ULError findDictionaryDataSources (const ULLanguage &lang1, const ULLanguage &lang2, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
ULError findDictionaryDataSources (const ULLanguage &lang, ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &ddsList)
ULLanguageDataSourcefindLanguageDataSource (const ULString &fileIdentifier)
ULDictionaryDataSourcefindDictionaryDataSource (const ULString &fileIdentifier)

Protected Attributes

ULString factoryID
ULConfiguration configuration
ULList< ULWorker * > workers
ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > languageDataSources
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > dictionaryDataSources
ULList< ULCollator * > collators
- Protected Attributes inherited from ULLockable

Detailed Description

ULFactory is the abstract parent for the classes that provide instantiation and initialization services for ULAPI objects. For example, the Mac desktop version of Ultralingua would instantiate ULUltralinguaMacFactory and use it to instantiate locks, data sources, workers, etc.

Most applications of ULAPI will instantiate a single ULFactory object via ULFactory::createFactory, inform the factory of the various data sources available to it via addLanguageDataSource and addDictionaryDataSource, and then use the factory to instantiate and initialize workers as needed.

One of the main benefits of using ULFactory is memory management. A ULFactory object keeps track of the workers, locks, data sources, etc. that it has instantiated, and deletes them when it is destroyed. Thus, if you use ULFactory to instantiate these objects, you only need delete the factory itself. Furthermore, you can reduce the memory footprint of ULAPI at any time by calling freeInessentialMemory, which will close data sources, flush caches, etc. and only reopen them when new service requests are made.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ULFactory::ULFactory ( )
virtual ULFactory::~ULFactory ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual ULError ULFactory::addDictionaryDataSource ( const ULString fileIdentifier,
bool  loadImmediately = false,
ULDictionaryDataSource **  dataSource = NULL 
pure virtual

Instantiates and initializes a dictionary data source attached to the specified file or database.

one of these error codes: ULError::NoError, ULError::MemoryAllocationFailed, ULError::DataSourceAttachFailed (if the specified file can't be opened), or ULError::InvalidLanguageFile (if the specified file is not a valid language file).
[in]fileIdentifierA string (such as a path) identifying the desired file or database.
[in]loadImmediatelydetermines whether this method should open the data source immediately, performing initial loading operations now rather than at the time the data source is first queried.
[out]dataSourceA pointer to the pointer to the resulting data source if one was created successfully
virtual ULError ULFactory::addLanguageDataSource ( const ULString fileIdentifier,
bool  loadImmediately = false,
ULLanguageDataSource **  dataSource = NULL 
pure virtual

Instantiates and initializes a language data source attached to the specified file or database.

one of these error codes: ULError::NoError, ULError::MemoryAllocationFailed, or ULError::DataSourceAttachFailed (if the specified file can't be opened).
[in]fileIdentifierA string (such as a path) identifying the desired file or database.
[in]loadImmediatelydetermines whether this method should open the data source immediately, performing initial loading operations now rather than at the time the data source is first queried.
[out]dataSourceA pointer to the pointer to the resulting data source if one was created successfully
virtual void ULFactory::clear ( )

Restores this factory to its default state, with no associated data sources, workers, etc. The factory ID and configuration are not altered, however.

static ULFactory* ULFactory::createFactory ( const ULString id)
virtual ULLock* ULFactory::createLock ( )
pure virtual
a pointer to an instance of some child of ULLock, as appropriate for this factory and platform. Each call to createLock creates a new ULLock instance. The caller of createLock is responsible for deleting the lock when it is no longer needed.
ULDictionaryDataSource* ULFactory::findDictionaryDataSource ( const ULString fileIdentifier)
ULError ULFactory::findDictionaryDataSources ( const ULDictionaryDescriptor descriptor,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 
ULError ULFactory::findDictionaryDataSources ( const ULLanguage lang1,
const ULLanguage lang2,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 
ULError ULFactory::findDictionaryDataSources ( const ULLanguage lang,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 
ULLanguageDataSource* ULFactory::findLanguageDataSource ( const ULString fileIdentifier)
ULError ULFactory::findLanguageDataSources ( const ULLanguage language,
ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &  ldsList 
ULWorker* ULFactory::findWorker ( ULServiceDescriptor  descriptor)
virtual void ULFactory::freeInessentialMemory ( )

Closes all the dictionary and language data sources controlled by this factory, thus freeing up all data source data loaded into memory. Later requests for service from tools obtained via this factory will re-open the data sources as needed.

virtual ULError ULFactory::getAvailableDictionaries ( ULList< ULDictionaryDescriptor > &  dictionaryList)

Retrieves the list of dictionaries for which this factory has a ULDictionaryDataSource (added at some time previously by addDictionaryDataSource). This list of languages is a reliable guide to determining the dictionaries for which this factory can generate a ULDefiner or any other worker that requires only a dictionary data source.

[out]dictionaryListThe list of available dictionaries.
ULError::NoMatch if there are none, and ULError::NoError otherwise.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getAvailableDictionaries ( ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList)

Retrieves the list of dictionaries for which this factory has a ULDictionaryDataSource (added at some time previously by addDictionaryDataSource). This list of languages is a reliable guide to determining the dictionaries for which this factory can generate a ULDefiner or any other worker that requires only a dictionary data source.

[out]dictionaryListThe list of available dictionaries.
ULError::NoMatch if there are none, and ULError::NoError otherwise.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getAvailableLanguages ( ULList< ULLanguage > &  languageList)

Retrieves the list of languages for which this factory has a ULLanguageDataSource (added at some time previously by addLanguageDataSource). This list of languages is a reliable guide to determining the languages for which this factory can generate a ULConjugator, ULNumberTranslator, or any other worker that does not require a ULDictionaryDataSource to operate.

[out]languageListThe list of available languages.
ULError::NoMatch if there are none, and ULError::NoError otherwise.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getAvailableLanguages ( ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &  ldsList)

Retrieves the list of languages for which this factory has a ULLanguageDataSource (added at some time previously by addLanguageDataSource). This list of languages is a reliable guide to determining the languages for which this factory can generate a ULConjugator, ULNumberTranslator, or any other worker that does not require a ULDictionaryDataSource to operate.

[out]languageListThe list of available languages.
ULError::NoMatch if there are none, and ULError::NoError otherwise.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getAvailableServices ( ULList< ULServiceDescriptor > &  serviceList)
pure virtual

Retrieves the list of services that this factory can support. This list of languages is a reliable guide to determining the dictionaries for which this factory can generate a ULDefiner or any other worker that requires only a dictionary data source.

[out]serviceListThe list of available services.
ULError::NoMatch if there are none, and ULError::NoError otherwise.
virtual ULCollator* ULFactory::getCollator ( const ULLanguage language)
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULCollator object suitable for use with the specified language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc or .ull file or equivalent).
virtual ULConjugator* ULFactory::getConjugator ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULConjugator object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULConjugator requires a language data source to generate conjugations, and a dictionary data source to perform stemming (so you can ask for the conjugation of "aller" by specifying "allez" or "vais" or whatever form of the verb is convenient, not just via the infinitive). This getConjugator interface gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate conjugations. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getConjugator(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULConjugator* ULFactory::getConjugator ( const ULLanguage conjugationLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULConjugator object suitable for use with the specified conjugation language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for conjugationLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for conjugationLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULConjugator uses, use ULFactory::getConjugator(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with conjugationLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

virtual ULDefiner* ULFactory::getDefiner ( ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource,
ULLanguageDataSource firstLanguageDataSource,
ULLanguageDataSource secondLanguageDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULDefiner object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULDefiner requires a dictionary data source to provide word lookup, and one or two language data sources to support stemmed search in the language(s) supported by the dictionary data source. This method gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to perform dictionary searches. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getDefiner(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULDefiner* ULFactory::getDefiner ( const ULLanguage language1,
const ULLanguage language2 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULDefiner object suitable for use with the specified definition language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for the languages in question, then this method will just choose data sources for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULDefiner uses, use ULFactory::getDefiner(ULDictionaryDataSource*, ULLanguageDataSource*, ULLanguageDataSource*).

virtual ULError ULFactory::getDictionaryDataSources ( const ULLanguage lang1,
const ULLanguage lang2,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 

Gets the ULDictionaryDataSource objects associated with the specified language pair.

[in]lang1,lang2The language pair for the desired data sources.
[out]ddsListThe list of matching dictionary data sources.
ULError::NoMatch if no matching data sources were found. Otherwise, ULError::NoError.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getDictionaryDataSources ( const ULLanguage lang,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 

Gets the ULDictionaryDataSource objects that has the given language as at least one of its two languages.

[in]langThe language to be one of the two languages in the desired data sources.
[out]ddsListThe list of matching dictionary data sources.
ULError::NoMatch if no matching data sources were found. Otherwise, ULError::NoError.
virtual ULError ULFactory::getDictionaryDataSources ( const ULDictionaryDescriptor descriptor,
ULList< ULDictionaryDataSource * > &  ddsList 

Gets the ULDictionaryDataSource objects associated with the specified dictionary descriptor.

[in]descriptorA descriptor for the desired dictionary.
[out]ddsListThe list of matching dictionary data sources.
ULError::NoMatch if no matching data sources were found. Otherwise, ULError::NoError.
virtual ULDissector* ULFactory::getDissector ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULDissector object suitable for use with the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable data source files (.ulc or .uld files)

A ULDissector requires a both a language data source and a dictionary data source to perform dissections. This getDissector interface gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate dissections. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getInflector(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULDissector* ULFactory::getDissector ( const ULLanguage dissectionLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULDissector object suitable for use with the specified dissection language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for dissectionLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for dissectionLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULDissector uses, use ULFactory::getDissector(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with dissectionLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

const ULString& ULFactory::getFactoryID ( )
virtual ULInflector* ULFactory::getInflector ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULInflector object suitable for use with the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable data source files (.ulc or .uld files)

A ULInflector requires a both a language data source and a dictionary data source to perform inflections. This getInflector interface gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate inflections. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getInflector(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULInflector* ULFactory::getInflector ( const ULLanguage inflectionLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULInflector object suitable for use with the specified inflection language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for inflectionLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for inflectionLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULInflector uses, use ULFactory::getInflector(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with inflectionLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

virtual ULError ULFactory::getLanguageDataSources ( const ULLanguage language,
ULList< ULLanguageDataSource * > &  ldsList 

Gets the ULLanguageDataSources objects associated with the specified language.

[in]languageThe language of the desired data sources.
[out]ldsListThe list of matching language data sources.
ULError::NoMatch if no matching data sources were found. Otherwise, ULError::NoError.
virtual ULNumberTranslator* ULFactory::getNumberTranslator ( const ULLanguage language)
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULNumberTranslator object, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.
virtual ULPartOfSpeechTagger* ULFactory::getPartOfSpeechTagger ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULPartOfSpeechTagger object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULPartOfSpeechTagger requires a language data source to provide inflection information, and dictionary data source to support stemming. This method gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate part of speech tags. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getPartOfSpeechTagger(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULPartOfSpeechTagger* ULFactory::getPartOfSpeechTagger ( const ULLanguage taggingLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULPartOfSpeechTagger object suitable for use with the specified tagging language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for taggingLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for taggingLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULPartOfSpeechTagger uses, use ULFactory::getPartOfSpeechTagger(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with taggingLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

virtual ULPluralizer* ULFactory::getPluralizer ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULPluralizer object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULPluralizer requires a language data source to provide plural construction information, and dictionary data source to support stemming so you can pluralize a noun without knowing whether you already have the singular or the plural in hand (e.g. both "dog" and "dogs" would yield "dogs" as a plural). This method gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate plural forms. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getPluralizer(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULPluralizer* ULFactory::getPluralizer ( const ULLanguage pluralizerLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULPluralizer object suitable for use with the specified pluralizer language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for pluralizerLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for pluralizerLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULPluralizer uses, use ULFactory::getPluralizer(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with pluralizerLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

virtual ULSingularizer* ULFactory::getSingularizer ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULSingularizer object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULSingularizer requires a language data source to provide plural construction information, dictionary data source to look up candidate singular nouns in the dictionary. This getSingularizer interface gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate singular forms. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getSingularizer(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULSingularizer* ULFactory::getSingularizer ( const ULLanguage singularizerLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULSingularizer object suitable for use with the specified singularizer language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for singularizerLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for singularizerLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULSingularizer uses, use ULFactory::getSingularizer(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with singularizerLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

virtual ULStemmer* ULFactory::getStemmer ( ULLanguageDataSource languageDataSource,
ULDictionaryDataSource dictionaryDataSource 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULStemmer object based on the specified data sources, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized.

A ULStemmer requires a language data source to provide inflection information, and dictionary data source to look up candidate stems in the dictionary. This method gives you the greatest control over exactly which data sources to use to generate stems. However, for many applications of ULAPI, you will only have one dictionary data source and one or two language data sources. In such cases, it is typically more convenient to use ULFactory::getStemmer(ULLanguage, ULLanguage).

virtual ULStemmer* ULFactory::getStemmer ( const ULLanguage stemmingLanguage,
const ULLanguage translationLanguage 
pure virtual
a pointer to a ULStemmer object suitable for use with the specified stemming language, or 0 if no such object can be instantiated and initialized. The most likely reason for a 0 return value is the absence of a suitable language data source (.ulc file) or dictionary data source (.uld file).

If you have more than one language data source (.ulc file) for stemmingLanguage, or more than one dictionary data source (.uld file) for stemmingLanguage and translationLanguage, then this method will just choose one of each for you. If you need to specify exactly which data sources your ULStemmer uses, use ULFactory::getStemmer(ULLanguageDataSource*, ULDictionaryDataSource*).

If translationLanguage == ULLanguage::NoLanguage, the first dictionary data source compatible with stemmingLanguage that the factory finds will be used.

void ULFactory::setFactoryID ( const ULString id)

Member Data Documentation

ULList<ULCollator *> ULFactory::collators
ULConfiguration ULFactory::configuration
ULList<ULDictionaryDataSource *> ULFactory::dictionaryDataSources
ULString ULFactory::factoryID
ULList<ULLanguageDataSource *> ULFactory::languageDataSources
ULList<ULWorker *> ULFactory::workers

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